Our mission focuses on helping our readers make the best buying decision for their planned purchases. Covering various product categories, our writers and subject-matter experts curate independently selected products. Products then go through further assessment in use and performance under real-life environment settings. This means, our team personally purchases these products with our own funds vs. accepting freebies or samples from any manufacturers.
Our team comprises of over a hundred individuals who personally test and use these products from a regular user perspective. See, while known experts are great to a level, we find regular and adept user feedback is just as important and often more authentic.Furthermore, this means that tests and reviews consider the plights and real-world problems a regular user may encounter.
Note that our team of testers have zero involvement and knowledge of relationships between our site and business partners. This means reviews are raw and completely based on their experience with the products they test. Terms and agreements, if any, are focused on link placement and commissions that may apply, etc. without affecting review results.
We try our best to provide a good variety catering to varied preferences, budget range and needs. Moreover, we cover a wide range of products from basic household necessities to tech gadgets and more. This is because we understand that every person has different to factors consider before making a buying decision.
Now, some of our recommended products (not all) provide us an affiliate/referral commission for purchases from our provided links. However, we make sure that our review process maintains high integrity. Should you have any feedback, queries or suggestions you are welcome to share your ideas with our editorial team through this e-mail: